
The formal discipline of spiritual direction is an intentional practice where two people meet together in a safe environment and listen to the way that God is present and moving in the seeker's life.   It is a sacred attunement, where the director follows the Spirit's prompting, making room for the inner journey of the seeker to unfold.  

A spiritual director is trained in the art of listening for the story inside the story, is familiar with the terrain of the psychological and spiritual landscape, and is able to recognize the important landmarks as she guides the seeker's exploration.  A seeker or directee is dedicated to his or her own growth and maturity, is willing to be vulnerable in sharing thoughts and feelings, and is committed to the work of personal transformation.  Together they engage in a dynamic process of discovery of the depths and contours of the directee's soul.

Spiritual direction is not counseling, though it occasionally can address any number of issues around relationships, work, health, etc. Spiritual direction is not coaching, though it may lead to people to take concrete steps in their lives.  It is not mentoring, though aspects of professional wisdom may be shared.  The focus of Spiritual Direction is on the inner terrain, the inside story, the way that life experiences impact the soul.  


Spiritual direction is the ancient art of discerning the movement of the divine in human life.  It can happen serendipitously when we hear God's voice and move into that rhythm.  It can happen in groups where the presence of the holy inspires devotion or action.   It can happen whenever people discover a mystical experience of union.