
I charge $50 per hour and I expect a 24-hour notice to cancel a session.  You can pay me for our spiritual direction sessions either in cash or  by check at the end of each session, or by making an electronic payment using PayPal.  If you choose to pay using Paypal, I will invoice you after our session.  

I am trained and certified in the Enneagram through the Riso-Hudson Enneagram Institute so it may be helpful to explore your type (if you don't already know it) to understand how your personality functions and affects your behavior and the way you see the world.   I also encourage directees to increase their awareness of the effect that thoughts, feelings and experiences have on their bodies, opening up their consciousness to include the physical.  I pay particular attention to the obstacles that block that awareness, which are often unconscious (the voice of the super ego or inner critic, resistance from early trauma, the ego patterns themselves, instinctual drives, addictions, etc.)  When we work with these obstacles, they can be metabolized, allowing more room in the soul to contact the divine.

In a normal spiritual direction session, the directee starts with anything --- how they are feeling at the moment, a dream, some experience where they were triggered, a reading that has challenged them or just a narrative of life since we last met.   I believe that whatever is “up” at the moment will provide ample material for exploration and growth!  And though I don't have goals, per se, I do hope to help each person cultivate a genuine acceptance and love for themselves, right where they are.  The power of mature love for self enables us to stay with whatever arises in life, so that we can tolerate discomfort, thus gaining true freedom.


If you would like to explore spiritual direction with me, just contact me HERE.    I offer a free 30-minute phone, Skype or in-person session at the People House East in Aurora. People House East is located at 13693 East Iliff Avenue in Aurora.  Ordinarily I meet with directees monthly at  People House East, but will and do meet more often if there is a desire.