

discovering, sometimes for the first time, what we are made of.  And though we have each of the nine types in our personalities, there is always one type that our ego is organized around.

Based on decades of careful observation of all kinds of people in all kinds of cultures, and in all kinds of situations, that's the way it is with people.  We aren't sure why.  Every person has a particular ego structure that generates his or her fundamental sense of identity.  A good place to start finding what type you might be is to take a tests offered by one of the three Enneagram groups.  You'll find links to their sites HERE

Some people can read the descriptions of the nine types and immediately know what they are.  Others need more guidance.  We are all quite adept at avoiding the truth about ourselves!  Enneagram classes can provide a great first step in self-discovery.  Individual typing sessions with Enneagram teachers can help move us quickly along on the path.  

Once you find your type, then you can read the map of the Enneagram to further understand the nuances of the system --- the ways that your type is connected to other types.  You will learn about wings, arrows, triads and instincts.  And with each step, you will deepen your ability to understand and recognize the more subtle ways that our egos function.

Finding your type is a process of self- discovery.  It is not the end point of Enneagram work, nor is it the beginning.   The method involves examining (with honesty and compassion) our own behavior, impulses, and our habitual thought patterns. We become a bit like scientists looking into the microscope