

I am tireless student, always searching for what's under the surface of life.  This hunger for the deeper meaning of things led me to seminary and ordination as a Presbyterian minister.  Along the way, I have explored Gestalt therapy, the yoga sutras, Buddhist meditation, and Centering Prayer. But when I studied the Enneagram, something clicked.  This “map” opened up a whole new world.  In the process, I found the grace and healing that I had been longing for.

Having pastored small churches for 35 years, I understand both the challenges and joys of community life.  I am intimately aware of how the church can both heal and hurt us.  Now retired, my ministry continues, but in this new form – spiritual direction and the Enneagram.

I am a certified Enneagram teacher through the Riso-Hudson Enneagram Institute and a student in the Diamond Approach.  I serve as adjunct faculty at Iliff School of Theology, teaching spiritual preaching.   I received a B.A. in Education from Southern Methodist University, a Master's of Divinity from Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, and a Doctor of Ministry from the Iliff School of Theology.

In my everyday life, I live with my husband in Denver.  We have four grown children, and four growing grandchildren.  We enjoy exploring the natural world, theater, movies, and time with friends and books.  But my life is shaped by the disciplines and practices of the spiritual life – meditation, inquiry, mindfulness, movement, writing, and study.