
The directee contacts a spiritual director and asks for either a free consultation or an appointment.  That first contact allows both the directee and the director to determine if the relationship feels like a match. The directee can find out about the director's style, approach, fees, availability, and agreements.  It is also helpful for the directee to share the reason for seeking direction at this time.  

There are many reasons to seek out spiritual direction.  A person may be considering a call to ministry and want help in discernment or wisdom around another decision, along with help in finding the right spiritual practice for their journey.   A person may simply want to know more about themselves, and how they are blocked from experiencing the presence of the holy in their lives or they may recognize that an “issue” they are struggling with is connected to a deeper and larger spiritual question.  

A person might be asking questions about faith or doctrine and need a non-judgmental place to raise those questions.  A person may be sensing a new direction or some opening arising in their lives or they may be in crisis, experiencing a dark night of the soul, and simply need a companion to hold a light on the way.  There's no right reason; there is only the right time.